The hippie soul is free at heart, loves with wild abandon, and lives with passion. They don’t follow the rules and constraints of society and forge ahead making their own path. While every hippie soul has its own unique set of values and essentials, these five are a good place to start if you are new to the hippie lifestyle.
A Zen Sanctuary
Whether it’s for meditation, yoga, or just having a place to chill, every hippie needs a place designed to maximize their Zen. This spot could be anything from a dedicated room in your home, a cozy corner of the living room, or spot outside on the patio or under a tree. It’s your sanctuary it should reflect what calls to your soul. The same goes for decor, there no right or wrong way to decorate your Zen zone. Your favorite blanket, pillows, blankets, and art. Maybe some soft lighting or candles, plants, or incense. The possibilities are endless, just listen to your heart.
Erin created the most amazing Zen sanctuary in her old home for her yoga and meditation practice. She is now living the RV life on the road, follow her on Instagram @moonbeamontheroad for more Zen goodness. Featuring the Neon Nights Mexican Blanket.
The hippie soul will not survive with out nature for long. From the beaches, to the mountains, to the desert oasis, and everything in between, time spent outdoors enjoying nature is what makes the hippie heart tick. That’s why you’ll often find yourself planning camping trips, organizing weekend hikes with your friends, or simply spending as much time as possible in your own backyard. A daily dose of nature is a must for the hippie soul to stimulate the heart, soul, and mind.

Bring a blanket on your next adventure and you'll always have a spot to take a break, relax and enjoy the view! Featuring the Turquoise Dream Mexican Blanket.
Essential Oils
Used in a variety of applications from beauty, to household cleaning, to alternative medicine, essential oils are a must for hippie souls looking for natural ways to reduce chemicals in the home. Tea Tree, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Orange oil are all favorites for homemade cleaning products. While ginger, peppermint, and lemongrass oils are used in many home remedies for minor ailments. For more information on essential oils and their uses check out this article from Natural Living Family.
Here's our favorite essential oil all-purpose cleaner recipe!
Global Accessories
Inspired by your sense of wanderlust, a mix of prints, patterns, art, and trinkets from around the world sourced from your frequent travels, favorite online boutique, or local thrift store are a must in any hippie home. Bold colors and design are hallmarks of the look, and minimalism design is definitely not an option here.

Chasity's Colorado home is filled to the brim with a mix of global accessories that let her personality shine. See more of her boho home on Instagram @raddatattchazz. Featuring the Rip Tide Mexican Blanket.
Hippie Purse
Every hippie soul needs a cool boho purse to see them through all of lives adventures. Whether it’s a weekend road trip with your best friend, a romantic date night, or even just running errands, you’ll need a purse to tote around all your daily essentials. Let your unique personality shine through with a bohemian purse that is as colorful as you.

The Malibu Purse is our favorite bohemian bag for the hippie at heart. Each bag is handwoven with New Zealand wool and features a beautiful southwest design. Shop the collection here.
What is essential for your hippie soul to be at ease? Let us know in the comments below.